
看診日期(Date):114/01/17 夜間門診  
  1. 預約掛號更新時間 :每月1日凌晨0點起開放預約掛號至次月月底為原則,實際開放時間依本院作業需要及服務人員可提供服務時間為準。 例:7月1日00:00起開放預約掛號至8月31日、8月1日00:00起開放預約掛號至9月31日,以此類推。
    Appointment scheduling opens at midnight (00:00) on the 1st of each month and continues until the end of the following month.
    Example: Appointments open from July 1 at 00:00 until August 31, and from August 1 at 00:00 until September 30, and so forth.( The actual opening time may vary depending on the hospital's operational needs.)
  2. 初診病人可於官網點選初診,線上填妥基本資料、完成掛號後,看診當日攜帶身分證件、健保卡,於看診報到時間截止前至門診櫃台臨櫃辦理初診報到。初診病人只能先預約一個科別,若有一科以上看診需求,可於辦理初診報到時告知櫃台人員協助掛號。
    For initial consultation patients, you can select "Initial Consultation" on the hospital's website. After filling in the basic information and completing the registration online, bring your ID and health insurance card on the day of the appointment. Report to the outpatient desk before the registration deadline for the initial consultation. Initial consultation patients can only book one department at a time. If you need consultations in multiple departments, inform the staff at the registration desk when reporting for the initial consultation, and they will assist with booking additional departments.
  3. 現場保留號星期一至星期六早上6:00可於官網、自助掛號機及掛號APP進行掛號,早上8:00可臨櫃現場掛號
    On-site reserved numbers: From Monday to Saturday, you can make appointments starting from 06:00 via the hospital's website, self-service registration machines, or appointment app. In-person registration at the desk is available starting at 08:00.
  4. 我該掛哪一科?
    Which Department to Choose?
  5. 雙和醫院慢籤預約領藥系統
    Shuang Ho Hospital Slow Prescription Appointment System
  6. 掛號完畢之後請牢記您的掛號號碼,因診間外提供的預約清單不提供全名查詢
    After completing your appointment registration, please remember your appointment number, as the list provided outside the consultation rooms does not include full name queries.
  7. 衛生福利部[兒童健康推展委員會]建議兒童內科門診,未滿18歲者就診科別為小兒科,施打疫苗請掛健兒門診。
    The Ministry of Health and Welfare's [Children’s Health Promotion Committee] recommends that for pediatric care, children under 18 should see a Pediatrician. For vaccinations, please make an appointment with the Child Health Checkup department.
  8. 牙科看診時間較長,敬請見諒
    Dental appointments generally take longer. We appreciate your understanding.
  9. 牙科、健檢中心(體檢時間為13:00-15:30),以現場報到順序為主
    Dental and health check-up center (check-up time from 13:00 to 15:30) services are based on the order of arrival at the site.
  10. 眼科病人請提早一個小時至門診報到,以預先於看診前進行相關檢查
    Eye patients are requested to arrive one hour early for their appointment to complete the necessary pre-examination procedures.
  11. 看診時間
    上午門診 08:30~11:30 (11:00前診間報到)
    下午門診 13:30~16:30 (16:00前診間報到)
    夜間門診 18:00~21:00 (20:30前診間報到)
    Consultation Hours:
    Morning Clinic: 08:30 ~ 11:30 (Check in at the clinic before 11:00)
    Afternoon Clinic: 13:30 ~ 16:30 (Check in at the clinic before 16:00)
    Evening Clinic: 18:00 ~ 21:00 (Check in at the clinic before 20:30)
  12. 部分門診之看診、報到時間依看診需要調整,詳見本院醫訊門診時刻表。(門診時刻表亦刊載於雙和醫訊,可點連結前往下載)
    Consultation and registration times for some departments may be adjusted based on the needs of the consultations. Please refer to the hospital’s medical information schedule for details. (The schedule is also available on the Shuang Ho Medical Information page; you can click the link to download it.)
  13. 無法使用官網掛號可使用:
    If you are unable to use online appointment scheduling, you can use:
    Manual Appointment Booking Hotline: (02) 2249-0088#8804. Service hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00.
  14. 若您不知該掛哪一科可於官網就醫指南-門診查詢或健康諮詢專線(02)2249-0088轉1112諮詢
    If you are unsure which department to choose, you can consult the "Medical Guide - Outpatient Services" section on the hospital’s website or call the Health Consultation Hotline at (02) 2249-0088, extension 1112 for assistance.