
看診日期(Date):112/09/28 下午門診  
  1. 預約掛號更新時間 :每月1日凌晨0點起開放預約掛號至次月月底為原則,實際開放時間依本院作業需要及服務人員可提供服務時間為準。
  2. 初診病人可於官網、手機APP點選初診,線上填妥基本資料、完成掛號後,看診當日攜帶身分證件、健保卡,於看診報到時間截止前至門診櫃台臨櫃辦理初診報到。初診病人只能先預約一個科別,若有一科以上看診需求,可於辦理初診報到時告知櫃台人員協助掛號。
  3. 現場保留號星期一至星期六早上6:00可於官網、自助掛號機及掛號APP進行掛號,早上8:00可臨櫃現場掛號
  4. 我該掛哪一科?
  5. 雙和醫院慢籤預約領藥系統
  6. 掛號完畢之後請牢記您的掛號號碼,因診間外提供的預約清單不提供全名查詢
  7. 衛生福利部[兒童健康推展委員會]建議兒童內科門診,未滿18歲者就診科別為小兒科,施打疫苗請掛健兒門診。
  8. 牙科看診時間較長,敬請見諒
  9. 牙科、健檢中心(體檢時間為13:00-15:30),以現場報到順序為主
  10. 眼科病人請提早一個小時至門診報到,以預先於看診前進行相關檢查
  11. 看診時間
    上午門診 08:30~11:30
    下午門診 13:30~16:30
    夜間門診 18:00~21:00
  12. 部分門診之看診、報到時間依看診需要調整,詳見本院醫訊門診時刻表。(門診時刻表亦刊載於雙和醫訊,可點連結前往下載)
  13. 無法使用官網掛號可使用:
  14. 若您不知該掛哪一科可於官網就醫指南-門診查詢或健康諮詢專線(02)2249-0088轉1112諮詢
  1. If you are a first time or new patient to SHH, you will be required to go through the first visit registration process, and the Medical Services Information desk is located in Building 1, first floor lobby.
  2. Clinic hours:
    Morning:8:30~11:30 (walk-in registration:8:00~11:00)
    Evening:13:30~16:30 (walk-in registration:13:00~16:00)
    Night:18:00~20:30 (walk-in registration:17:00~20:00)
  3. First visit patient is requested to check in before:
    Morning clinic→11:00
    Evening clinic→16:00
    Night clinic→20:00
  4. Bring your National Insurance card (if you have it), and another form of personal identification (passport or photograph ID).
  5. Look through the new patient registration process for the day of the appointment and how to get around SHH.
    Outpatient Care Flowchart
    Area Map and Direction
  6. If you do not have National Insurance card or need any assistance. Please contact our International Medical Service Center.
    Service time:08:30~11:30;13:00~16:00. Monday through Friday
    Phone:+886-22490088 Ext 8803、8682、8804、8809
    Your Name:
    Telephone number:
    E-mail address:
    General enquiry:
    Feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance. We will reply your E-mail within 7 day